After reading this:
"My husband and I finished our work in three hours a day. You know what stressed us out? It wasn’t our responsibilities. It was the dance of finding work to maintain the illusion we were “doing enough,” and justifying our continued employment through reports and meetings. This fueled a constant, low-grade anxiety that was utterly exhausting."
You must be grossly overpaid. I still work close to 50 hours a week working from home and I get even more work done than I did in the office because nobody walks into my office and interrupts me and I can multitask while in meetings that I must attend but don't really need my attention. I probably have 80 hours worth of meaningful tasks that I could do each week but I have to prioritize them because I refuse to burn myself out. If I had an extra hundred hours I would build the spreadsheet that would calculate the differential thermal contraction between the liners and the overwrap of our Composite Overwrapped Pressure Vessels (COPV's) since our company can't afford the tens of thousands of dollars that kind of software costs and then there would be the annual licenses.
Is there really not 40 hours a week of meaningful work for you in your job? Maybe you are only doing the minimum you can get away with. That might be alright if all you want is a paycheck. I would do my job even if they did not pay me. Doubt that, think again. I worked this job for almost a year for no pay when cashflow was tight and I don't even have a equity stake.
I thought you were a teacher? You have less than 3 hours of classes a day. Don't you have to counsel your students and grade papers, update syllabus.