Any policy that does not prioritize the interests of the general population is wrong.
"In short, a middle way can surely be found that encourages smaller companies to innovate but at the same time protects them from rapacious predators with no interest other than their own growth, even if that’s at the expense both of the market and the interests of consumers."
I would favor compromise but it must be the compromise that best benefits the people. Not markets, not consumers, not investors, not governments, not growth. Oh, and this is not about giving people what they want, it is about giving people what is good for them.
We must also consider that completion is a good and preventing mergers will stimulate competition even among companies that are not competitors today. Today two companies that don't compete now might compete in the future, compete in markets not even imagined today.
Not only should we be preventing more mergers we should be breaking up big companies.