Attractiveness, really a poor choice of words.
You limited your discussion to physical appearance.
I think most people understood that was where you were going but actual attractiveness is a combination of factors. Attractiveness, first impression kind of attractiveness includes the features you discussed but also posture, attitude, attire, demeanor, hygiene, and environment.
Longer term attractiveness, more of a stick to it a tive ness (sticktoitativeness) or just stickiness, includes intelligence, personality, mental health, pet peeves, etc.
Some have implied or even stated that the characteristics you discussed are a fad or at least have changed over time. I feel that they might be an almost timeless esthetic. I do feel like your trying to pin down beauty/handsomeness is too limited. It goes way beyond such a tiny selection of traits but again, you were discussing physical attractiveness not beauty.