Automobiles have been computers on wheels for decades now. I am thinking that an EV needs less computing power than an IC automobile. The computing power/code needed to control the ignition timing, fuel injection and emissions controls on an IC engine is much more sophisticated than the computing power/code to monitor the battery and control the electric motors on an EV. The basic locomotive functions of a vehicle IC or EV do not require high performance chips. It is the add on's the features that require more powerful chips. The nav systems, the entertainment systems, safely features, self-driving abilities, etc. that is what requires more computing power, and many IC vehicles have these systems as well. Automobiles do not need the most sophisticated chips to perform extremely well. They don't have the space limitation, power limitations, that cooling limitations cell phones or laptops or other consumer products have. A lot of this EV computer stuff is more hype than real engineering, marketing and propaganda not proper technical performance metrics.