Do you understand that there are very few Socialist countries on this planet. One marker to look for would be either defacto or practical one party rule. Think, Saudi Arabia, Cuba, Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela, maybe a few others but certainly not Japan.
You say " Look at Japan, a socialist country ..."
"The Government of Japan (日本国政府, Nihonkoku-seifu or Nipponkoku-seifu) is the central government of Japan. The Government of Japan consists of legislature, executive and judiciary branches and is based on popular sovereignty. The Government runs under the framework established by the Constitution of Japan, adopted in 1947. It is a unitary state, containing forty-seven administrative divisions, with the Emperor as its Head of State."
Japan is a democratic government with free and fair elections. It is a Representative Democracy not a Socialist Country. Japan does have a very good social safety net. The U.S. is also a Representative Democracy with may social programs just not as many as say Japan or Sweden.
I will read on in your story but you are being imprecise and that undermines your credibility.