First, opinion pieces are journalism, like editorials. They are different than reporting but still journalism. Not all writing on Medium is opinion pieces. I read a piece just yesterday that was just factual reporting no opinion or conclusion just a timeline of the Trump assignation attempt.
I don't know my IQ, I don't think I was ever tested. My deceased wife said she was tested, and her IQ was over 150.
Regarding how clever I am, there was a concern that the ambient sense ports ullage pressure transducers in the nosecone of the Space Shuttle External Tank liquid oxygen tank might be clogged. While a large number of people were suggesting how to remedy this concern, I suggested that we bag the openings in the nosecone and connect a vacuum cleaner to the bag and turn it on and watch the output of the transducers to see if they change and if they do then there is no blockage. That is what was done, and it proved there was no problem. In my decades working in our nation's space programs, I have provided many such innovative ideas.
I did not say anyone can recognize people smarter than they are and I did not say it was a learned skill. I said this statement of yours is not correct, ""the fact that it is impossible to recognise a greater intelligence to one’s own if one doesn’t have the same level of intelligence." I think it is clear that less intelligent people can recognize a greater intelligence than their own. When the difference is large it is quite easy to identify.
Maybe the reason I have never recognized anyone smarter than myself is because I have not met such a person except my first wife. I have smart peers
but they are not so much smarter than me that is clear they are so.
Actually "it is impossible to recognise a greater intelligence to one’s own if one doesn’t have the same level of intelligence." Is a logical falsity, if you have to be as smart or smarter to recognize someone who is smarter than nobody could recognize someone smarter because you have to be smarter to tell and then they would not be smarter.