God, no not a twitter X link to a TikTok video. I don't do either of those, but I will tell you about my father.
He was a decorated, disabled, WWII war hero veteran. He was the one of 9 children of a subsistence farming and wood cutting family. He got a degree from Northeastern University on the GI bill. He had to switch from being right-handed to being left-handed because he as for a long time paralyzed on his right side. He worked and did not collect a disability check. He was a CPA and when the company he worked for went out of business he started his own business. He was active in the administration of the town I grew up in and was the commissioner (I don't think this was a paid position or if it was the pay was minimal) of the Water Board that installed the town's water treatment system, before that the town just dumped the sewage in the local stream. While his children were active in the community, he was the leader of the Music Boosters (raised money to buy music and instruments and he recorded the concerts) and he was the Boy Scouts leader, Mom did Girl Scouts and Cub Scouts. He was the coach for my brother's little league team. Remember, he was disabled, could not really use his right arm. He could hit one handed and he would pitch batting practice mostly just left-handed. Before the war, he aspired to be a baseball player. He would wear his glove on his left hand to catch and stick the glove in his right arm pit to throw. He acted as the designated payee for other disabled veterans who could not manage their finances, most were drunks who were down on their luck. He did my tax returns and those of my friends for free, he did not charge for simple returns. I know that sometimes he was paid in barter. A side of beef or some venison. I am sure I am not aware of all the good that he did for that town.