How soon will the U.S. hit rock bottom
Things will not get better until we hit rock bottom. How bad will things get? How bad will it have to get for the MAGA crowd to realized how wrong they have been?
The sooner things crash the sooner we can start putting the pieces back together again. I feel bad for the people who will suffer from this, and I feel worse for those that did not support MAGA. Truly we will all suffer except the rich and powerful. There is just no way to make the rich and powerful pay for their crimes.
I was hoping Trump would be all talk and no action, kind of like his first term. I know, they cut taxes on the rich then but that did not directly hurt the rest of us, just ran up the deficit. This time someone (Elon) is involved who can actually make things happen and wants to make things happen, who likes to break things, doesn’t care about the rules, thinks the rules don’t apply to him. This time to keep the tax cuts the deficit hawks are holding the line so cuts will have to be made. The deficit hawks ain’t buying the “tax cuts pay for themselves” lie this time. This time they are taking the chainsaw to the forest and clear cutting the good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful until there is nothing but bleeding stumps.
Me, I am a deficit hawk myself and never bought the lie. I am a tax the rich and cut the defense budget deficit hawk RINO. I am rich enough that tax the rich means tax me and I know that is what needs to be done, just like Warren Buffett. I am paying more in taxes this year than most people made this year, and I know I should be paying at least that much or more. I don’t need no stinking tax cuts.
We are witnessing one of the greatest political FUBARs of all time. They are cutting the throats of working class and lower middle class working people. We will be lucky if this does not push the country into recession.
I hope most of them (and you) had put aside a rainy-day fund because it will be a while before we get a course correction. One certainty of hitting rock bottom is, it hurts, it hurts bad. Climbing back up from being on rock bottom is hard and things often relapse while things get worked out.
I hope somehow this disaster does not last the whole four years.