How to eliminate Nuclear Weapons and most abortions
It is also the solution to gun violence as well. What is this magic? You eliminate the desire, need or root cause.
You want to reduce the number of abortions than work to eliminate the causes of unwanted pregnancy. You want to eliminate nuclear weapons then eliminate the need for a deterrence against external aggression. If no country feared overthrow by a foreign power by military force then no country would spend effort on nuclear weapons.
Almost all gun violence is rooted in some socio-economic disfunction. Gang violence, bullying, racism, sexism.
Making things against the law without addressing the underlying root causes only pushes the illegal activity underground it does not eliminate it.
Seriously, gun violence is illegal, all of it, but the law is not much of a deterrent. Few criminals are caught, fewer are convicted and many are no worse off in prison than on the street.
Abortions happen even where it is illegal.
North Korea would not be developing Nukes if they thought that the regime was safe from foriegn interfereance.