I agree and it does not have to happen in a college setting or an expensive one.
Try and laugh this one off but in my time, women were accused of going to college to get their Mrs., to find a rich or soon to be rich guy to marry.
College for many is a safe transition from living with your parents and living on your own. I spent my first year in college living in a college dorm with a meal ticket. They provided clean sheets and meals and the only sort of parent was the Student Adviser/dorm monitor.
One other thing a college does is filter and segregate. How prestigious is your school and how well did you do there? That differentiates you from your peers and can determine how high is your starting salary. Employers like to have some reason to choose you over someone else.
Upon graduation a classmate and I got interviews with the same company on the same day, and we traveled on the same flight and stayed in the same hotel. We both got the same tour and then we were separated for lunch. I was courted and given an offer without a real interview while he was taken to more interviews after his lunch and did not receive an offer until I declined my offer. He was the second-choice base on grades and maybe appearances.