I agree many people only see things a black or white, A or B, up or down. Some things are binary, the light is either on or it is off even if it is on a dimmer, but most things manifest on a spectrum.
Another thing about acknowledging that most things manifest on a spectrum is acceptance of a great deal of uncertainty regarding that manifestation. The general consensus that things are going to get worse does not mean everything is going to get worse or that everyone will be worse off.
Another thing is the general public does not seem to understand the lag between action/inaction and outcome. Because we did not take some actions some consequences are already baked in and can't be reversed. Also because of that lag many of us will not live to see those consequences. Those consequences are going to be worse that the optimists claim and not as bad as the doomsayers claim. I wish things will be better for those that will live to see those consequences and I will try to not contribute unduly to those conditions but what will be will be and my actions will matter very little to not at all.
I don't think we are hardwired to see things a black or white. I think it is a learned response or even a conscious choice, a preference. If anything people are lazy and thus likely to take the easy choice of black or white. A more nuanced attitude requires more effort.