I agree not all religions are Patriarchal. Most sects of Abrahamic religions, (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are Patriarchal and even the sects that are not doctrinally Patriarchal are not free of Patriarchists.
Onions and cooking? I do most of the cooking and I don’t use onions or bell peppers much anymore my wife does not like them. Getting remarried after my first wife died led to a lot of changes but when my wife was dying, I took over all the cooking so I was used to cooking. I also do the dishes and my own laundry.
I never looked for a subservient wife. I looked for a wife who would challenge me and force me to grow. Now that I am 62 years old, I find it is more important than I thought. I find myself sliding into laziness and a rut but my wife pushes me the snap out of that.
Having a subservient partner might be good for your ego but it will not be the best thing for you.