I agree that much of what we do is driven by subconscious impulses.
My conscious choices are what I would call of marginal impact but those marginal impacts can be huge.
Sure, things I did not choose had a very big impact on my life but the things I did choose were also very impactful. I exceed my peers mostly based on choices I made.
Another thing, we actually train our subconscious, we create many of our subconscious habits and behaviors. We train it and then put it on autopilot.
Some people are more conscious than others. Many people act without thinking and other people think before acting. You can train yourself to think before you act or you may have habits that cause you to think before you act. Count to ten or reread an e-mail before you send it or proofread what you write before you send it.
I don't think anyone I know believes that only their conscious choices impact their lives, but I think they all believe that their conscious choices are very impactful.
Again, not really disagreeing with you, just talking.