I am not a minimalist. I have ton's of stuff, much of which brings me much joy. If it is old and useful, I love it. If it is old and historic, I love it. If it is something I can reuse or recycle, I will. I am a maximalist; I hoard to avoid waste. You must save 20 to 50 screws to have one you will reuse. Today I used 4 cedar fence boards and 16 nails I salvage to repair my neighbor's gate. The big plus, his repaired gate matches the rest of the fence, if I used new boards they would not match. Notice I said, my neighbor's gate. Random act of kindness and sharing. He loaned me a garden trailer so I could move my firewood. Recently collected blow down from the tornado that hit our town last month. Slidell, search Slidell, Tornado. I should have collected more as it will end up in the landfill, but I can only do so much.