I am not convinced you 5:2 veganism reduces your animal product consumption. Why not just reduce your consumption of animal products and sure if having a schedule helps do that but you could eat meat everyday and still reduce your consumption greatly.
I think we all need to be put on an allowance, a ration, limit our consumption. Rich or poor, young or old, white or black. Everyone’s consumption needs to be constrained by law with serious consequences and rewards for whistleblowing. Let’s start with carbon and nobody allowed to consume products and services producing more that 10 tons CO2e carbon per year. I don’t care if you spend your ration on beef or beans, gas or Uber, heating or cooling, clothes or computer. If you want to give up cheese so you can buy some new shoes, fine with me. You want to eat beef so you wear old clothes, fine. If you buy gas on the black (shadow) market outside your ration, we need to catch you and take away 10x what is should have cost your ration. Someone ratted you out they get half the fine.
At least initially I think it would be fine if the ration was transferable, can be sold, loaned, or borrowed.