I did not anywhere refer to citizens of Palestine. I call them Palestinians. They self identify as Palestinians and are recognized as a group like an ethnicity.
That you chose to raise this issue without cause is indicative of a possible bias on your part.
I agree that Iran is trying to build nuclear weapons and better ballistic missiles. That should be discouraged. We should work to get Pakistan, India and Israel to give up their nuclear weapons as well but I don’t hear any loud calls for sanctions against those countries because of their weapons. How about America’s, Russia’s, France’s, Great Britain's or China’s Nuclear weapons.
The efforts against Iran go far beyond, bombs and missiles and terrorists. It is about regional supremacy. Who is going to be the dominate power in the Middle East. In a few decades it will not matter, either we will stop needing Oil or we will have bigger existential crises… Climate Crises.
I consider the Israeli Palestinian conflict a minor sideshow and I don’t fear a Iranian WMD strike against Israel a credible threat no matter how often they make it. Iran’s destiny is to be a poor minor country no matter what path the future takes.
There are now 4.5 million people who call themselves Palestinians, even though they were born outside the borders of Israel.
Yes, I would think that the Palestinians should welcome Israel as the legitimate government of the Palestinian occupied territories and then they should lobby for suffrage. That would not “result in the destruction of Israel” it would just change the Israel government. I guess they might change the name of the country after a while. Isn’t it the right of every individual to have citizenship in some country and the right to vote in that country’s elections. There should be no person without a country. Perpetual occupation is a human rights violation. The Palestinian Authority discarded its best offer and I think it was deliberate. They did not want a solution they wanted more violence.