I don't have a PhD or even a masters. I am 66 and just retired. I have only been out of work a few months in my 44 year career. I did relocate 3 times to find work or better work. No, I am not living paycheck to paycheck not once in the 44 years since I graduated from college.
No, I am not working class, my parents were middle class in a way. My dad was a CPA and my mom did not go to high school. While we kids lived at home she did not work outside the home.
We were only sort of middle class, my dad paid for one year's tuition and bought me a used car. After that I was on my own.
That out of the way, I don't feel heard either. I am a Republican who voted against Trump 5 times between primaries and general elections.
I feel heard here on Medium, feel I have a voice. It is not an echo chamber here for me because I am kind of right of most writers here.
I would be fine paying more taxes, I am sort of rich, after all I have had good jobs for 44years.
I want our broken governments fixed but I know Trump and Musk are not the ones to do it.
I want the plutocratic oligarchic elites to pay more than their fair share. I want them to make restitution for all they have stolen. I want all the SCOTUS justices to be replaced with ones who don't have a liberal or conservative bias.
I don't know what we should do to help you and John. I am guessing he gets SSDI but maybe he doesn't, you said he was disabled.
My dad was disabled, could have qualified for 100% disability but he did not apply. He was shot in the hip in WWII and had a stroke in his 30's that left him with only some use of his right arm and hand. Walked with a severe limp and much pain. He did get a partial disability check from the VA.
Guess times are harder now, I don't really know, I have had mostly good luck money wise.
Still, I don't know what we should do to help you and John. Raising the minimum wage does not seem like it would help either of you. I think we should raise the minimum wage. Seems like the ACA at least means you can have health insurance.
If John does not get SSDI maybe something could be done to make it easier for him to get it if his disability keeps him from working. My first wife should have qualified for SSDI but was denied. I understand it is typical to be denied on first application and you must appeal and probably need a lawyer. We did not appeal; we did not need the money. She died of her illness just a few years after we applied for SSDI.
Maybe doing something about housing costs would be a way to help you two. I don't even have a voice for that, I don't have a clue on what might lower rents. I have read some stories on ideas to lower housing costs. I don't think those ideas will work even if they got approved.
Food costs, I suggest you look for charity. Giving to feed people in our communities is one thing that does happen, I give to the local food bank. Claim SNAP benefits if you qualify. Food costs will be what they will be, they are not going down and may spike badly if the weather continues to get worse.
Sorry, I will use my voice, but I don't have a megaphone or the answers. I think you two are sort of stuck.