I don’t really think so:
intuition — the unspoken force of ambiguity which lays concerningly overlooked in today’s fast-paced financial arena.
You dance around it but don’t really nail it. There are known quantifiable risks and their are ambiguous risks. Russian roulette with a six shot revolver and one cartridge is a known quantifiable risk, Russian roulette with an unknown revolver and unknown number of cartridges is an ambiguous risk.
Intuition is a force to cut thru ambiguity, insight in the unquantifiable. Reward can be ambiguous or quantifiable as well.
Ambiguity can vary from total chaos to trivial uncertainty. Quantifiability is a spectrum. Russian roulette can run from certain death to probably no better than 1 in 8.
Intuition helps you make decisions in the face of ambiguity.