I don’t think you can actually tax the rich before they have a change of heart. They have such a strangle hold on the media and the reins of power that only they can bring about the change that will cause them to fund UBI or whatever.
One thing I have advocated that amounts to a Green New Deal is rationing. You give everyone a Transferable Pollution Ration, you give everyone this ration, an equal ration per person. You can’t buy anything with an environmental impact without a corresponding ration credit.
People with huge appetites will use up all their credits and will buy the credits from people who aren’t such big polluters. The rich will buy the credits from the poor.
This also creates an incentive to produce greener products because they will require fewer credits. If someone could produce a product that improves the environment, removes pollution, buying that would add to your credits not take them away. It is like a carbon tax with the proceeds going to the poor but with fewer hoops and a direct wealth transfer.