I enjoyed your story, thanks.
I wish you and others would find an expression for “an economic system like capitalism that’s built on growth.” Capitalism does not have to be so dependent on growth.
- an economic and political system in which a country’s trade and industry are controlled by private owners for profit, rather than by the state.
One of our suppliers has shunned growth. They feel they are right sized and are happy with their profit. I see a lot of grow or die talk, that is just greed.
I know a bunch of businesses, actually, that are successful and are not interested in growing the business. Maybe adapt or die but not grow or die.
How many startups try to grow and scale too fast and end up overextended.
the Pope had consecrated the profitable business of selling indulgences: get-out-of-Hell-free cards priced to absolve your latest sin. If you had enough gold, you could buy your way up the purgatorial ladder into the Kingdom of Heaven.
That might have been one of the greatest con jobs of all time. What kind of sucker falls for this? I mean really, what kind of thinking person would believe that giving money to the Church would get you God’s forgiveness. They were of course brain washed from childhood to believe that the Pope had the powers of a God.
“We’ll start selling things to AIs.”
While this might be prescient it is also massively premature. There is AI and there is real AI of the kind needed for this to work and that AI is a lifetime away.