I guess I got a lucky start. I was enamored with things that fly, go bang or both. I had a aptitude for science and math. I also had a hands on interest in mechanics and electronics.
I found a way to afford a BS in Aero Engineering and landed a job a Kennedy Space Center right out of college.
Working, saving investing and living below my means I am no rich. Not 1% rich but 5% rich. It is stealth wealth. Nobody knows how rich I am. Not even my wife. She refuses to look at our financials. She still pinches pennies as do I.
Not all the rich became rich at the expense of others. My latest job, my job for the last decade was working for a start-up that created a bunch of great jobs. None of our employees are abused by leadership. They do abuse each other some times but we try to discipline the trouble makers.
I made most of my money in a contrary way. I did not focus on high returns I focused on not losing money. Personally I take losses and setbacks very hard. I am extremely risk adverse. That maybe comes from working in space programs. Mistakes carry such a huge cost and the pain I can't tolerate. I heavily invested in Gold and Cash for the last four recessions. I have no fear of missing out. Never did, never will. I do have a funny kind of guilt When I expecting the market to crash I want it to happen and get on with the recovery. I feel bad, guilty for wanting the market to crash.
Understand, at this point I don't need my wealth to do anything more than keep up with inflation. If like me you lived below your means, saved and invested conservatively so you never suffered large losses, after 40 years you too would be set for life.