I guess you are gone. Maybe you can come back, maybe you don’t want too.
It seems likely you gave more than you gained but seems mostly a wash. I don’t really want you to come back. I really don’t want anyone to immigrate to the U.S. I know that most immigrants improve our economy but I feel the country is already overcrowded. I know where you come from is more crowded. Our economy is fine without more help from immigrants.
Coming to get an education and then going home or coming for a vacation and going home is OK with me. I am not against temporary visas.
I think we do have to accept some amount of refugees, we have to help the world deal with the refugee crisis. We do need to accept some asylum seekers but like you said we have done too good a job of attracting immigrants.
I think it is better for people like you to return to the country of your birth or go to some country with a severe shortage of workers with your skills where you are more needed.
I am sure you would be a good American and I think you are good enough but to me that is not the criteria for adding to our population. We should not be taking the best and brightest from other countries.