Tim Knowles
1 min readNov 25, 2018


I have had two wives, three stepdaughters, a mother and a sister. Both wives had children by two other men. I know about women’s struggles.

Nobody should be harassed and subjected to violence. Wishing the world was free of such things is naïve. We can do what we can and live with the rest.

The world is full of problems, inequities, evil, as well as good, love and justice.

The world is evolving and has always been doing so. Pushing too hard will not make the future come any faster. The Dinosaurs just need to die off. I think the push for social change has caused a backlash that will make progress slower. The divisive way that change has been promoted has been counter productive.




Tim Knowles

Worked in our nations space programs for more than 40 years