I read the responses first so, it seems you have caught a break. I hope it plays out well. It is so sad to see poor people getting trapped in their poverty.
It could have been worse, criminal record, sickness, pregnancy, addiction, etc.
The student loan trap is bad enough even with the right degree. I was fundamentally against student loan bailouts and mortgage bailout and big bank bailouts because of the moral hazard. I am slowly revising my thinking on this. I think we have to find a way to avoid the need for bailouts in the future while still saving even the undeserving today. We can’t let good people get flush down the tubes just to avoid bailing out freeloaders and crooks.
Society changes so fast it is hard for parents and teachers to provide good advice.
Even with my White, Male, Middle Class privilege I know that much of my success must be attributed to luck. Lucky I did not drop into bad pit falls and lucky I got some opportunities.
For some people the deck is stacked against them and they can’t beat the odds. Even something a minor as a mild learning disability is enough to doom a poor person to life long precarious poverty.
Good luck