I think maybe either you lack the language to proper articulate it or you just don't understand. There does not have to be a downside to being frugal. There is a difference between being frugal and being cheap. To me the epitome of frugality is spending my money wisely. I agree there is money well spend but rarely is it spent on the most expensive items in a class.
Buy for sufficiency, quality and value. Don't buy the most expensive, buy the level of quality that is appropriate for your situation with maybe a little bias to get better quality especially if it is a good value.
Do not judge an item based on price. The most expensive product is not necessarily better than the others.
Some of what you wrote is good advice but your title qualifies as click bait. You never actually support that premise. I guess since it is an obvious falsehood we should have known you could not would not defend it. Only the very rich can afford the most expensive things. The most expensive things cost millions of dollars each. Home, Car, Travel. Sure it might be more relaxing and great traveling on a chartered jet and staying at five star resorts for weeks at a time.