I think the first woman president will need to run on a Republican (conservative) ticket, a la Margaret Thatcher.
There are many closet sexist in the Democrat party and some of them are women. Democrat women who support a patriarchy.
Why are white working class voters flocking to Trump? Didn’t they used to vote Democrat? They were never progressive they were voting their pocket book and now they are voting their bigotry.
Bernie might or might not have said it but the primaries proved it, a woman can’t win this election. I was and am a Warren supporter.
6 to 8 percent of the voting population when polled say they would not vote for a woman. That might seem a small fraction but how many would say they would not vote for a man? That small fraction is the visible tip of the iceberg. I bet a lot of people fudge that poll question. Sure the might vote for a woman but they probably would not vote for any woman running for president.
Once again I will not have a good choice come November not that it matters, my vote does not make a difference, my state’s electoral votes a going to Trump, deep red. It makes me nostalgic for the choice between Obama and Romney or living in Florida again. Oh, to be in a swing state.