I think this story is too much rant and not enough about solutions.
Not "The position is whether capitalist-led organizations can save the planet with innovation while avoiding significant economic change or the collapse of the neoliberal world order." This is a good question if reframed as "can the Neoliberal public/private partnership (cabal) save the planet while avoiding huge loss of wealth of the plutocratic, oligarchic elite." They don't care if there is significant economic change as long as they remain on top.
There will not be the necessary climate action until the rich are sure that they will not be hurt by the change.
We should be bending all our effort to convince the rich that necessary climate action will make most of them even richer.
The progressives want their cake and eat it too. They want a Green New Deal. They want climate action that reduces income inequality and they don't even disguise it. The rich and powerful will block this and we will get neither meaningful climate action nor a reduction in wealth and income inequality.
Lets save the planet and leave worrying about the unfairness of it all until we are sure the planet is safe.
Here is one disgusting idea that would probably save the planet. Pay big oil and gas companies for not pumping oil. Seriously, pay them the profit they would make pumping oil for just doing nothing.
To save our soil and conserve our land we did this for farmers, we paid them to not grow crops on some of their land.