I think you miss the point. You can't end poverty by just giving money to the poor. Yes, that will reduce poverty, but not eliminate it. Many are poor because they use the money that they receive in wasteful and damaging ways. Some poverty is caused by behaviors not a lack of cash. Addictions being the biggest and not just drug additions.
Some of the homeless are not homeless just because they can't pay rent. Often, they are so messed up that even if they had rent money nobody would want them in their property. Many poor, if you gave them more money, they would spend more on their addictions probably leading to their death.
A poverty eliminating UBI would be huge, way more than some would need. The amount of money you would need to give a disabled single mom with three children living in San Francisco would make a minimum wage-earning couple in Memphis quite well off.
None of this in intended to say that some form of UBI is not a good thing. I think some form of UBI would be good, but it will not eliminate poverty. Yes, done right it would reduce poverty.
If you want to reduce poverty to a level that it is practically eliminated you need direct person to person social services interventions to eliminate to causes of poverty. Lack of money is a secondary effect caused by an underlying structural or behavioral deficit.