what the future might look like if we transition to a low-carbon society in time.
I think you should take a shot at describing that future. It will still be a place with extreme weather and diminishing biodiversity at least for a century or so. We in the developed world will be consuming less and have a reduced lifestyle because energy will be more expensive and transportation will be more limited. We will eat less meat, the meat substitutes will be better but a fake eight ounce Filet Mignon will cost 4 hours of minimum wage.
You can’t sell climate protection with a true story of a better future. It will be centuries before it gets back to as good as it is today. The next decades will be hard, no sugar coating will change that.
Sustainable alternatives to our current wasteful and polluting consumption are not coming on line fast enough so we will have to do without in the interim. We need a war on fossil fuels and consumerism like the war on drugs. It will not be popular, the people will not support it, it will need to be shoved down their throat. Think Yellow Vests!!!! Think how many people vote for the Green Party!!!! Think how many people still litter the sidewalks are roadways!!! How many people do you know will wear worn-out or unfashionable clothes too save the planet from having to provide replacements??? Millions of people smoke cigarettes and millions more are Vaping both of those are just consuming valuable resources just for peoples pleasure……..unnecessary consumption will continue as long as it is allowed, legal or illegal. The “good” people who will do the right thing, their sacrifices will likely be in vain.