I would like to expound on this.
White Supremacy was a self-fulfilling system set up to exploit both black people and poor white people for the benefit of the rich elites. While the subjugation of poor whites was much less brutal that the subjugation of nonwhites it was just a evil.
By instilling the belief in white supremacy in poor whites as a way of building support for subjugation of nonwhites, the rich elites causes harm to those poor whites and of course society in general. A real Christian would believe that by brain washing those poor people to treat any of God's children badly and never repenting that sin, those poor people would be condemned to eternal damnation.
Even after White Supremacy was repudiated we have continuing Systemic Racism as a lingering privilege for most white people but especially the rich elites. Even Anti-racist white people benefit from this continuing Systemic Racism but the poor whites less so as Systemic Racism is broken down the consequence is the white privilege of poor white people is diminishing while the white privilege of the rich elites is just morphing into just the privilege of riches.