I would like to extend this story with discussion.
Put another way, maybe I am hijacking it.
Inflation while reported as a national average, inflation is personal. Different for each person because we all spend differently and spend in different markets.
Your story focused on gas and grocery store purchases. Food and energy are often excluded from inflation calculations because of their volatility. Not saying they don't matter just they are often not reflective of general inflation. As an example Gas prices rose because OPEC+ agreed to cut production to boost prices. Food prices are probably real inflation because they reflect real increase in production costs.
The worst inflation impacts on my finances are increased medical insurance premiums, higher co-pays and increased deductibles. Gas prices made almost no difference in my spending as I have been working from home for more than a year. My spending on gas it a tiny fraction of what it used to be. Food, I have not noticed price increases, they are probably there but more troubling has been shortages of favorite products. Bare spots on the store shelves. Cost of housing, fixed, I own my home and am not moving. No inflation there.
I am sympathetic to your income challenges. I can understand how it hurts. I got my first pay rise in 5 years in January. The "P.S. I love you" thing is a one off but I know that does not make it hurt less. Unlike you and I most workers see regular pay rises and more. Signs for things like signing bonuses and high starting pay are all over around here.
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