If I am a troll, why allow yourself to be trolled. Just ignore me.
You have been treating me like a legitimate critic, which I consider myself to be.
trying to engage with the ideas the writer is putting forth without name-calling or belittling their work or the people they are writing about.
I don’t remember making any ad hominin attacks. I was critical of certain behaviors and accused you of being tone deaf. Being critical of a class or group of people is fair game. Progressive, conservative, white supremist, bigots or racist of all stripes. Fair game. The celebrity elites, doubly fair game. Actually public figures have less constitutional protections against defamation than the general public just by virtue of being public figures.
Actually as a professional journalist you should expect criticism. As a simple private person making uncompensated expressions of opinion my words carry more weight. Since you are compensated, your independence is questionable.
The idea that the expressions of a paid journalist carry more weight than that of a simple citizen is a flawed concept. We have to question your motives, are you writing what your write because you believe it or because it will make you more money. Click bait abounds.