If the message is too painful to bear then most will decide the message must be false unless the evidence is from their own personal experience.
We are doomed because we will only accept the message after it is to late. The believers and non-believers are divided by ideology and personal self-interest, the science is not playing much of a role.
When we must act now to prevent a disaster decades in the future, you can be pretty sure we will not act now even if we are sure the coming disaster is real.
I think there are even factions that would be unperturbed to think that we are the last generations of humans. I think also some preppers expect that they will survive the worst possible disaster and become the new world leaders.
Then there will be some like me who think it is already too late, those tipping points you were talking about are going to fall like dominos. Not too late if we act now and act boldly but I don’t see that happening.
This includes public interventions as well as person-to-person dialogue with journalists, politicians, and fellow citizens. It means taking the time to explain our current situation, and making the time to let the truth about it sink in so deeply that it is strong enough to break our behavioral patterns.
If you don’t have millions of followers you aren’t going to move the needle, the people with power need to use it. The rest of us are lucky if we can even get our friends and neighbors to listen.