In a time maybe you don't remember some people only read the sports and cartoon sections of their newspaper and maybe watched the national news on TV. Yes, the best citizens are informed citizens but they have mostly been poorly informed for all of history.
We are now over informed, barraged with propaganda. Some retreat into information bubbles so that at least they get a consistent message instead of two entirely different takes on the same events.
Now that almost everything that is called news needs to be treated very skeptically there is no time for working people with a family to take care of to give it proper attention now more than ever. It is hard enough to be informed about what we need to do to protect our selves, our families, our property, our health and our finances to worry about what we might do about the ecology or society. People with the time to follow multiple social network feeds are privileged and need to be the ones to act and fix those problems while the other people struggle to survive.
Should I if I could afford it, pay someone to cut my grass, weed the gardens, cook the meals, do the laundry, clean the house, pay the bills and do the shopping so that I have time to follow Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, 4Chan, MSNBC, FOX, BBC, ET and work 40 to 60 hours a week? Might I should have time to pursue other interests instead of being glued to a computer. When or where is the chance to clear our minds, maybe do a little yoga or meditation or just breathing deeply of fresh air in a natural setting.
The United Neo-Liberal/Conservative plutocratic oligarchic elites need to resolve the worlds problems since only they can really make a difference and their continued existence depends on not putting the rest of us in a position of no choice but violent rebellion or destitution.