In some ways you get to self-identify. With the ambiguity is freedom. I have to check white since my “race” is unambiguous, you have choices because none of the choices are really 100% correct it is up to you.
You mention/claim some “Native American” ancestry but don’t explain how you know but I don’t dispute that claim. At a time in the past there were terms for mixed race peoples and “pure bred” but they have fallen out of favor because they were consider derogatory.
Coon ass
White Hispanic
I have met some horribly racist White Hispanics who were very proud of their bloodlines and looked down on Mestizos and Mulattos. To them it was better to be Mayan or Zulu than mixed.
I have almost exclusively British ancestors but I am not Anglo, I am more Gaul. There might be a bit of Anglo as my Mom and my Sister’s straight brown hair lightens in the sun but not my Dad’s or my Brother’s or my dark, almost black curly hair. We all have what my Mother called Hazel eye color.
I feel a bit short changed to only have to option of checking White or Caucasian. I am more and less than just White.