Is this supposed to be enlightening?
"your money loses value even as you walk to the store because the government is printing more money as you walk."
We have had inflation all 60 years I have lived. I think maybe we have had negative real interest rates (adjusted for inflation) on savings and checking accounts for most if not all of that time.
Inflation and low interest rates on savings are deliberate. To encourage spending and investing. Increase the velocity of money. Money moving faster is like a bigger money supply, increase liquidity.
The world is struggling with people in the developed world not borrowing and spending as much as the Powers that Be would like and the pandemic made it worse.
Consider this, if inflation dropped to zero then putting you money in a safe in your house would have a higher real interest rate than you get on a savings account today.
In countries with high inflation people spend their money as soon as they get it. They buy things right away. Where inflation is low there is more incentive to delay purchases.