It is easier to ignore ads than to fight them. Junk e-mail that did not get routed to the spam folder is easily deleted. My experience is different than yours. Maybe I am hit with fewer ads and less junk e-mail. Same with marketing calls. Most days I don't get any, rarely do I get two in a day. Taking actions to stop this stuff is more effort than ignoring, deleting or hanging up. Just because I have chosen this path does not mean I am not tech savvy, more I am not tech enamored. I find no joy in downloading aps or installing spam blockers. Every computer update or change is just a pain in the behind. I don't customize my computers or phone. I am fine with the default ring tone. Background screen, who cares. To me computers and phones are tools not toys. If it is working I don't try and fix it. A new phone or computer is the last thing I want. Upgrades come at a very high price. The computers and phones from three generations ago were more capable than I wanted or needed. How many generations old is a Stylo 6? I don't follow the leading edge or even the tech talk. My phone could operate a moon lander or the Space Shuttle, seems that should be enough power for what I do. What I do, make and receive phone calls, control my quad-copter, search the web, send and receive text messages, listen to pod casts, take pictures. My previous phone did all that fine. Got a new free phone because I changed service provider for better service at a lower price.