It seems God only knows how hard the poor work to survive.
Well, maybe angels know too. Really, have you seen poor people dig deep for the strength to keep going? Have you seen the poor sacrifice so that their children get a chance at a better life? Do you know any poor people who are only poor because they were born poor and never really got a chance at anything better?
Yeah, I know some poor people who were not born poor and wasted their opportunity to a good life.
I have seen studies that show that social mobility is pretty much equal moving up or down the social classes but if you read them carefully the data is there that says while social mobility is equal going up or down the majority are stuck in the class they were born to.
The poor work just as hard or harder to maintain their lives as the middle class but they live less well. A meritocracy we are not. A classicist society we are. Not enough people really want the poor to move up. The poor might make them look bad.