Tim Knowles
1 min readSep 13, 2018


It seems that women claim “This kind of invisible work almost always falls on women” but women don’t recognize the kind of invisible work that almost always falls on men. Women’s invisible work also decreases significantly when the children are grown but men’s invisible work continues until he is in his grave. It often increases when he retires. Just one anecdote, I got a call from my wife from the parking lot at the mall. “The car won’t start, I turn the key and nothing happens.” I leave work early, pick her up and take her home and pick up some tools. I go back remove the battery, trade it in at the auto parts store go back to the mall and install the battery and drive home in her car, pick her up and she drops me off at my car so I can drive it home. How many invisible things does your husband do. Wait, maybe you are single?




Tim Knowles

Worked in our nations space programs for more than 40 years