Mars, Elon is not completely wrong
Elon does not have it all worked out and what he does plan will obviously be revised along the way. There is nothing wrong with that. A plan is just that and what is the famous quote about plans and first contact?
With that a background I have a suggestion for consideration. While I think Starships are awesome, the interplanetary transport should look more like the International Space Station than than one of his Starships. That interplanetary transport should also incorporate centripetal acceleration to simulate gravity as well.
The interplanetary transport should be a cycler like was proposed by Buzz Aldrin and others. Starships on both end, at Earth and Mars to load and unload the cycler and do the surface to orbit to surface transportation would still be required.
Packing a Starship full of crew with no meaningful activity is a recipe for disaster putting the crew on a transport that is also a Space Lab and giving them meaningful research to pursue during the long voyage is a win win.
I hope nobody considers this negative criticism. I am just making a suggestion because I support this and want to contribute to its success.