Maybe someone on the left could run on an anti-establishment platform. The establishment has not covered themselves in glory. The plutocratic oligarchic establishment elites really should be cut down to size. Why does the left cede the high ground of reform to the right? Why does the left have to be the party of immigrant rights. I would suggest the left has selected an unattractive platform that will not deliver results that will energize the electorate to vote for them in subsequent elections.
How come there are no left-wing nationalists? Are we not nations, should not national interests supersede global interest?
Isn't the hierarchy
My family
My neighborhood
My city
My county
My state
My country
My hemisphere
My world?
If there isn't an immigration crisis already there is certain to be one soon. More and more people are gaining the ability to migrate. More and more people are feeling pressure to move someplace better.
Governments are nowhere near adequately prepared to deal with the current migration and that migration is only going to grow bigger.
The far right is capitalizing on the failures of the establishment and that flips the script.
Right used to mean conservative, maintain the status quo but now it is the left that is fighting to maintain the status quo and the right is trying to foment a revolution.
For decades the left in America promised hope and change and delivered very little of for the general population just some social acceptance of some small, disadvantaged groups while the right pushed bigger changes. Maybe not changes that people on the left wanted but bigger by far affecting many more people.
If you can't deliver meaningful, noticeable changes for you supporters you will lose them.