Maybe you have time to “talk” more about this.
Cooking, while it can be a joy it becomes a chore if you have to make dinner 7 nights a week or even 5 nights a week. This goes double if you have to buy the ingredients and clean up afterwards.
The gender-specific division of labor for housework is an issue of an imbalance of value and power.
The fact that our culture has expectations about housework being “women’s work,” can make it more difficult to work as partners
It seems this is something that should be settled before two people become partners. I am not saying it needs to be written down or even discussed at length. When choosing a partner, you will know the other person well enough to know how this will play out. Why would you sign up for a relationship that has a gender-specific division of labor for housework that reflects less value and power for the homemaker if the homemaking chores are going to fall to you.
Choose a partner and relationship that respects you.
If you are a woman and choose to join a patriarchy it does not seem appropriate to complain.
All that said, it is not just a gender thing. In same sex couples you can have an unequal value/power relationship. I expect you understand real equality in any relationship is rare.
Many people are not interested in an equal partner relationship they are looking for someone to dominate or someone to serve them in one or many ways.