My hopeium is very strong. I am certain civilization collapse disaster is not going to kill me before 2030. I have been a moderate prepper since I moved to hurricane territory. I am a Katrina survivor.
Getting to 2040 is going to require more luck and effort.
Rice, beans and vegetable oil should be stockpiled.
My skill, vinting and brewing. I don't plan on dying sober ;-) Fermentation is your friend. In a collapse situation I could cobble together a still too :-)
With all the rice I put aside we are probably talking Sake. I never made Sake, but this story has me thinking I will be giving it a go.
Another thing to have is solar panels and batteries.
I have everything on your list an more.
One thing to add would be a bicycle and a bicycle trailer.
There are other things to add to the list but they are less politically correct so I will leave that to others.
Grow your own food now as practice, it is not something to start learning after greater collapse. I have homegrown potatoes and tomatoes on my counter right now. I have grown eggplant, peppers, squash, beans and more in my yard. I have so many tomatoes that I am already giving them away. I know who to preserve them but not really interested in that right now.