My similar nostalgia is from the 60's when I was 7 -8 years old, so 1965 - 6. I got an allowance but mostly saved it for "bigger" purchases, but we would collect soda bottles that people littered roadside. We, my brother, me and my friend David. We would take them to a corner deli/grocer/package store and turn them in for the deposit and use the money to buy penny candy, the ones we got were actually 2 for a penny. Squirrel Nut Zippers or Mint Julep. Tiny rectangular blocks wrapped in wax paper. Like you mentioned of others, these are still around if you really want them. I only got the Squirrel Bars; That is what I called them. My taste has not changed, what is not to like caramel taffy and peanuts. We were pretty well off, like I said I got an allowance, tiny but it served to teach me to save so I could buy things without asking my parents. There were no strikes in town, jobs were scarce. Woolen mills were shutting down, shoe factory was employing some of the laid off but eventually even my dad was out of work, he was the office manager for the last woolen mill in town. He hung out a shingle and did bookkeeping and taxes. If there was any labor friction it was about the people from away who managed the shoe factory and who they picked for the plum jobs or just jobs. We never went hungry or had to wear rags, but it scared my mom. She made my dad pay off the mortgage out of his (their) savings.