No I have not read "The Dispossessed."
My idea of having you pick fruit was not meant to be serious. We are not there yet. Far from that kind of fairness.
I am not an ideologue, I am more practical. I do think that we should acknowledge who we are taking advantage of and why we do it and why we can do it.
I recognize my privilege and try not to abuse it.
I feel we need to find a way to bring some of the elites down off their pedestals. Anyone who thinks that they are entitled to servants needs to be educated.
The term wage slave kind of covers the reality of many jobs. People do them because it is the only legal way to provide for themselves and those for whom they care. They might be grateful for the job but sort of like a slave who is grateful for a master who does not use a whip.
I cut my own lawns, I cut my own hair, I do my own laundry, I make my groceries, I do my own shopping, I help clean the house and do the dishes. I cut the grass in the cul de sac that I share with my neighbors. I give blood. I volunteer. I give to charity. I know I depend on others so I have power and water and goods in the store. I cook our meals, we almost never eat out, use delivery and rarely do take out.
I recycle, I make my purchases last a very long time. I truly wear out clothes. I wear the even after they are worn out.
When I talk to people of this, because of their mind set they think I am wrong because I am taking work away from others. They think that when the throw trash in the parking lot they are creating a job for someone. On which side of this do you sit.