No, not "trickle down," that never sent enough money down the food chain. We need a flood of money down the food chain not a trickle. Not grow the economy but grow the charitable sector. Grow the made in America sector. Have the rich pay people to plant gardens in public places especially in under privileged neighborhoods. Things like that. A lot more things like that.
I would suggest tax the rich but that always ends up being circular and avoidable. It you try to tax the rich they move or hide their money. If they stay and pay higher taxes they make sure the money is spent on things that put the money back into their pockets.
You can't really make the rich do much. They have all the power and will fight anything they don't like. We need to find a way to get the rich to want to help the poor and the environment. They do a little, very little, too little of that right now but if we can convince them that if they don't do more they will be less happy, they will do more. Maybe even a lot more.