Not much call to ban a bolt action rifle with a fixed magazine that only holds 5 rounds.
You don’t seem to follow the discussion is about the nature of what is a right. You are too focused on guns and your own feelings about them.
You say having a gun does not threaten your neighbors but that discounts their feelings. We can talk about the reasonableness of their perceived threat but they feel threatened.
You said that we have the right to decide for ourselves but they you come back and say “No, taxes are public business. Money is a part of the social system, and you can’t earn it without a functioning society to sustain its value. Taxes are how we pay what we owe to society.” Yes, but shouldn’t we be able to decide what we owe to society not some elite politician.
I feel like you are really not interested in a legitimate discussion about what is a right and what are privileges. What rights are natural and what rights are fabricated by law.
The second amendment is a right under law but is not necessarily a natural (God given) right. If the first amendment was repealed, government suppression of freedom of speech would be globally condemned. If the second amendment was repealed, government confiscation of AR’s and AK’s would probably be globally applauded.
If I was really worried that the government would confiscate my AR, I would not have sold my SKS. I don’t believe I have the right to any weapon I want but I will have the best weapons I can afford and legally acquire.
I have been pretty open in this discussion and changed my position to that the courts have actually upheld laws that violate the constitution. They have done that with the support of some conservative justices. Originally I held the position that the Courts were the last word on what is constitutional but I agree with you, the courts can be wrong and in this case are wrong.
You don’t seem to want to consider what actually are the limits of the second amendment or are their any. You seem to just want to associate the second amendment with the right to AR’s and AK’s without background checks.
I think it is clear that you feel background checks are an infringement but the courts have ruled otherwise. I think I agree with you. If the people want to impose background checks or ban AK’s or AR’s they need to repeal the second amendment.
If the second amendment was repealed do you think you would still have the right to an AR without registration or background checks?
Is it a universal right or a right created by the constitution.