However, if you can’t think of any particular reason why you need whatever number’s in your head, except for a fancy and leisurely lifestyle, which, by the way, everyone wants, chances are, what you really want is freedom — and you could have that for a lot less.
Not really, not everyone wants a “a fancy and leisurely lifestyle and do we really want freedom? “Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose.”
Enough money is, the amount that will let me do what I want without counting the cost or fear the loss of income. I want meaningful work and rewarding leisure. Freedom means no commitments, I have chosen chains that bind me with commitments to friends and family and the pursuit of the exploration of space. I have told the owner of the company I work for, our biggest customer and all my coworkers that I will keep working as long as it is still fun. I don’t need the income from my job, I need the stimulation, the challenge, the comradery.
I just got our yearly status of available vacation time. I have 79 days of unused vacation. I just had two weeks off with no work, I missed it.
I did not achieve this at a young age, I was 52 before I could have retired, that was 10 years ago. Working for a company because you need the paycheck can be painful, it can make you compromise you values and interests.