Nothing wrong with your suggestions where they are appropriate but some of us need to be available for others relative to the clock.
We work in consultation with each other and while some collaboration can be via e-mail and be less time dependent if someone has a task on their list and while working it has a question, it is nice if you can respond in real time either over the phone or with a tool like teams.
Our customer is two hours different than us but our production floor starts at 6:30. We try to have core hours (8 am to 4 pm) where everyone is available to collaborate but I also expect to work later to be available to the customer to the end of their normal work day. When I was going into the office my hours were usually 8:30 to 6 (nine hour days for 9/80 schedule) breaking the core hours rule but accepted because I needed to be available to the customer later in the day. If needed I would come in to work for 8am meetings.
Too much of what I need to deal with is unscheduled and urgent. But that also means sometimes when working from home I have nothing to do but when I was working at the factory I could do surveillance in slack time. Go out onto the floor and see what was really going on.