Pity them as we might but they put themselves in that situation.
I have always under-consumed and downplayed my wealth. I do my own laundry, cut my own grass, do much of the home repairs, Have a smaller home and less prestigious automobiles than I could easily afford. I don't wear jewelry except my wedding band. My clothes are modest. I do own some fine possessions but don't flaunt them.
I am not a Christian but the Christian virtues of honesty and humility are important to me.
People who put up a front, try to appear as someone they are not used to bother me. The evil side of me wanted to take them down a notch. I got over it as I matured.
My financial adviser has a office with nice art, fancy furniture, he wears a big gold watch and what is probably an expensive suit but I expect my net worth is triple his and my annual income is more than his. I go to his office in jeans and sneakers.
I know that he is in costume and playing a part. I know that some customers need and expect that. It just seems so phony. The front does not provide any evidence of ability. I don't trust his advice and only use his services when I can't do it myself online.
I read a good piece the other day about how Black people have to keep up appearances. Just one more way where systemic racism punishes BOPIC.
My privilege is huge, if I go out all dirty and unkempt people will think that I am working hard in my yard. If I go out in jeans and a tee shirt people just think I am a down to earth guy. If I am pitching a deck to an audience of suits and I am just a shirt and tie they think I am a worker not management.
Maybe I am as much a poser as anyone I am just trying to appear less than I am not more.
I always advocate under promise and over perform. The only surprises should be happy ones.